BAB 054 | Accepting Recovery

BAB 054 | Accepting Recovery

I’m sick. I hate being sick. I love my sign more than anything, but the little munchkin seems to pick up and pass along any and all virus’ he can find.

In Episode 54 of The Become a Beast Podcast, you’ll hear my slowjam DJ voice discuss recovery and how I’ve learned to accept it.

I rarely ever got sick in my 20’s. When I did get sick, I would “tough it out like a man” and still fit in my workouts. These days, I have to pause my life for about a week until all is calm in the Beast household.

Yes, there are things that can be done and taken to speed up recovery. I’m all for that. What I’m bringing up is the fact that many of us Beasts want to try and kill it still when a few days of rest and maybe not the best diet are just a speed bump and not a cliff.

Enjoy this short and voice-cracking episode…

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