BAB 080 | Making Life Boring to Achieve Great Things

BAB 080 | Making Life Boring to Achieve Great Things

What if I told you that the year I accomplished the most in the fitness and diet realm was when I had the most boring day-to-day life? Actually, it wasn’t boring for me, it was jam-packed, but everyone from the outside thought I had a boring life. This was the case in 2008 and the reason I was able to achieve so many of my goals was simply because I built what appeared to be a boring day-in, day-out schedule that led to incredible efforts via highly intense focused energy.

In Episode 80 of The Become a Beast Podcast, I share my tactics for achieving more. It will take sacrifice and a ton of focused effort.

The tips that I share in this episode can be implemented with any goal. Those that have success in investing, entrepreneurship, corporate ladder climbing use these skills to achieve more than 95% of people ever will.

Enjoy and start having a boring life today.

(Click here to listen, rate, and subscribe on iTunes)

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