BAB 63 | Seasonal Fitness Leads to Year-Round Results

BAB 63 | Seasonal Fitness Leads to Year-Round Results

I hate the winter. Even more so since I live in Colorado. Sure, my in-law’s from Minnesota laugh at me, but cold is cold and I miss California and Arizona.

Where that leaves me? My first two winters in Colorado led to weight gain (not significant) and few miles ran. I’ve learned how to dress properly and get some of the lost miles back in my routine, but I’ve grown to accept seasonal fitness.

What is seasonal fitness? First, it’s a random term I just made up. Good times. Second, seasonal fitness is the adjustment of physical approach and exercise implementation based on the season. In other words, workout how you like during that season.

For example, I hate running in the cold, so, for the most part, I drastically kick back my running mileage in the Colorado winter season. I run from mid-spring until early-winter. During the winter, I focus on upper body exercises through weight-lifting. This is a basic overlook of my primary seasonal fitness approach, but there is much more that I do as well.

Listen to today’s episode to hear more about seasonal fitness and how I learned to accept it.

(Click here to listen, rate, and subscribe on iTunes)

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