BAB 006: Krista Stryker, founder of 12 Minute Athlete, Teaches Us How to Get the Most Efficient Workout to Get The Best Results

12minuteathlete_1348807697_600Krista Stryker of 12MinuteAthlete joins us in Episode 6 of The Become a Beast Podcast to help us get the most out of the shortest workouts and still see awesome results.

(Click here to listen, rate, and subscribe on iTunes)

Krista is a stellar athlete with a background in any sport you have ever heard of. She is a certified personal trainer and certified kettlebell instructor.

If you are a highly busy person with many committments (aren’t we all?), I highly suggest checking out this interview with Krista today.

For more from Krista…

12 Minute Athlete – This is where Krista shares her workouts and general fitness and health advice to help you have the most efficient approach possible.

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