The Virtues of the Beasts

We Beasts believe.

We believe we can all achieve the physical apex of our lives.

We believe we have the opportunity to achieve more today than we did yesterday.

We believe we can make a difference in how others view the gift of the human body.

We believe we can change the mindset that there are physical limits.

We Beasts believe.

The Virtues

Who are we without standards and principles that we believe make the world a better place?

We may disagree on what those standards and principles are, but we all have set them in our minds.

Virtues is just another word for principles and standards. Virtues are our beliefs in what can and should be done in life.

At Become a Beast, we have established our own set of virtues. They are our care beliefs on how we can reach the apex of our lives. We, by no means, are perfect. We stray, but return knowing that we can straighten our path out again.

As you proceed through these virtues, try to picture yourself implementing these virtues. It may take a long time to correct poor behavior or actions, but change is possible. I went from a 210 pound overweight meathead to a ripped marathoner in less than 3 months. If you believe in these virtues enough, the life we live that you so desire will be obtained.

Enjoy these virtues as tools. They will not get the job done, but they will help you achieve that goal.

Virtues dictate how our world rotates. Hopefully, through the Beast virtues, we can each play a role in keeping that world seamlessly rotating.

Don’t Blow Your Opportunity

We all have an incredible opportunity. This includes YOU.

With this thing called the human body, we can put things into it and do things with it to bring about a result that we so desire. Whether you want to be a slender ballerina or a bulky strongman, you have this thing that you get to choose what you want to do with it.

This also means we could choose to let this thing be wasted. You could eat Panda Express Orange Chicken (which is absolutely delicious and extremely unhealthy) everyday and live with the fact that you are probably not taking full advantage of your opportunity.

It’s a choice. It’s a decision. It’s in your hands.

You and I both have this opportunity. This opportunity either opens more doors for us or shuts them in our face.

Here, at Become a Beast, we believe we should take advantage of this opportunity by choosing a balanced diet and physical fitness to achieve peak physical results.

When folks say, “This is an opportunity of a lifetime,” I like to think, “Well, everyday is the opportunity of a lifetime.” Everyday, you wake with another opportunity to become the best ‘you’ that day. No matter how amazing or poor our current financial, mental, physical, or spiritual situation is, when we throw our legs off the bed and plant our two feet solidly on the ground, we have another opportunity to move closer to our physical apex.

How amazing is that!

Every-single-day we wake up, we are provided with another opportunity to achieve greatness. Stop and think about that for a moment. Who cares what happened yesterday. That was yesterday and the moment you wake you can positively change everything from that moment forward.

Right now, think about waking up tomorrow. Don’t think about what you couldn’t do yesterday or what you can’t do today. Just think about opening your eyes tomorrow morning. Think about sitting up in your bed and telling yourself, “Today, I am going to eat and drink all natural foods, take a run around the park and do 50 push ups.”

If today, you aren’t doing that, all you have to do are those three things and your day tomorrow will be greater than today. Though we all want and will become Beasts through further dedication and action, we have to start somewhere. That somewhere is realizing that opportunity and not blowing it.

A Lifestyle – Not a Fad

A handful of years ago, two of my good friends were engaged to be married. About a year prior to their wedding, the bride-to-be asked me what she should do to lose “X” pounds by her wedding. I started rattling off the general eat modestly and workout regularly with further detail within the conversation.

Then, it hit me. She was looking for the fad and not the lifestyle.

I laughed. A lot.

Thankfully, she has a great sense of humor, but quickly realized we were talking about two different approaches. She wanted to lose the weight and tone up for the wedding and I wanted her to choose this as a lifestyle and not a 1-year-plan.

We parted ways that day, she being frustrated that I wouldn’t delve further into a 1 year plan and myself being frustrated that she didn’t see the importance of the long run.

A few weeks later, we all met up again and the groom-to-be brought up the fact that his fiancee had spoken to another friend of theirs who was a personal trainer. The personal trainer friend told her, literally, the exact same thing I told her. If there ever was a time to say, “I told you so,” this was it, but she had already gotten it.

This should be a lifestyle. Not a decision that has an end date.

Our goal at Become a Beast is to have as many people as possible commit to this (or a variation of this) for life. If we are unable to help you achieve your pinnacle of success and teach you maintenance at or near said level, then we have failed.

A primary virtue of us at Become a Beast is the decision that we are not just trying to get to mile one in the 26.2 mile marathon called life. We have to start with a goal in mind, maintain what can get us to our goal, and finish this thing strong. Sure, there will be proverbial walls along the route, but we keep going until we hit that ticker-tape at the finish line.

There is No One Way

I wish I knew everything and the only thing that worked for 7 billion people to stay fit and healthy. I would be endlessly wealthy. luckily for society, there are options. Millions of options.

If you live in Australia, your damn lucky diet might include some of the leanest meat in the world in kangaroo. If you live in a frat house, you might be living the paleo way and benching between bites. If you and your best girlfriend are living the Sex and the City lifestyle in Manhattan, you might be eating  petite three-course meals and running daily around Central Park.

What I am trying to get at is that I and the rest of the Beasts here know this isn’t the only way and are not saying it is. It is just a way. A way you might be able to positively change your health.

Run. Run very fast from anyone who says “this way” is the ONLY way to accomplish “X”. They are either lying or ignorant. Being influenced by these people only makes you hate getting and remaining healthy and fit. Remind yourself that there are plenty of ways. You just need to ignore the ignorant liars and find what works for you.

I May Not Be Right

I don’t think you realize how hard that is for myself or a lot of people to say.

Though I am not always right, I have learned to share my way – my path – my approach. I know what has worked for me and I am here to share with you how you can attain high levels of physical fitness as I have.

Not everything I say will work for you. I know that and accept that. Unfortunately, many a personal trainers and health and fitness “guru’s” claim otherwise. Their idiots. Every single person on earth is an example. We can test things and give feedback. There is no 100% right way to do anything. What works for me may or may not work for you. I am just here to present you with an approach that has worked.

Trying to be right all of the time only leads to stress and frustration. This only makes the road to success more difficult and anything that does that counter-acts all progress. In other words, I have found that just throwing out the ego and just presenting the factual results leads to a more cohesive relationship between those I am trying to help and myself.

Testing Always Works

You like how I just followed up the section of how I am not always right by saying just that.

If there is one thing I can 100% positively say, it is that testing will always work.

For example, a personal trainer says eat 90% meat and 10% vegetables. You test it and find that it is the most positive life change you have ever experienced. Perfect. Testing it worked. Now, let’s say it went horribly wrong and you quit said diet after two days. You tested it and it didn’t work. You now move on to testing something else. Once again, testing works.

Throughout the Become a Beast program and general posts, you will find one constant. Measuring everything will lead to a result. It might not be the result you want, but it can be factually proven that maybe you are unable to eat 30 bananas and a gallon of orange juice per day.

Getting in the habit of measuring things allows you to prove things. It is a pain and a hassle to measure how many reps and sets you did at the gym, but what is more of a hassle is doing the same exercise over and over for months on end only to find out its not working.

Testing is key to success in this program. The more you test, the likelier you will succeed. Simple as that.

Through Virtues, Success is Imminent

I have trekked a path to a healthy and fit life while balancing the obvious temptations you also face. To this day, I can be weak over the stupidest food or other temptations. I try to learn and get back on the healthy and fit horse. I will fall off again at some time (a lot more), but I just pick myself up and start trekking a new path again.

By relying on the virtues stressed here, I have found a path that works. I hope you are able to implement these virtues in your life to have similar, if not greater, success as I have.

If you so choose to take these virtues as a path, you will find success wherever that path takes you.

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