Why This Site is Called Become a Beast

During a bit of late night wandering through the world of Twitter, I found myself in conversation about what animal I was or wanted to be or something like that. Like I said, it was a late night.

I believe Joel Runyon and Mike Hrostoski were in on the fun too and we were throwing around some great ideas as to why we were or wanted to be such and such animal. The animal I wanted to be was the versatile athlete of the plains. The animal who could run with most of the fastest animals on the planet and was strong enough to take down most animals as well. This animal was not going to be the best of the best at one thing. It was just going to be the all around greatest athlete of the animal kingdom.

Then…It hit me.

The Wildebeest.

After some convincing by Runyon that most people might not know how to spell it and other intelligent bits of information regarding branding, I narrowed it down to Beast and couldn’t be happier.

What Makes the Wildebeest the True King

There is no other antelope like the wildebeest. It looks like it was assembled from spare parts – the forequarters could have come from and ox, the hindquarters from an antelope and the mane and tail from a horse. The antics of the territorial bulls during breeding season have earned them the name “clowns of the savanna.”
Out of Africa

I don’t think I could have said it better myself.

The most important thing that I have learned through my years of testing my physical capabilities is that attaining the capabilities of multiple specific sport athletes within my approach leads to a better all around athlete. The epitome of this in the animal kingdom is the wildebeest.

At first, you might think that the king of the animal kingdom is the lion. Though you would have a great argument, I believe there are a few aspects that king the wildebeest. Unless Africa goes bone dry and no grass grows, the wildebeest will always have a food source. Though a lion or cheetah is quite a bit faster than a wildebeest initially, the endurance of a wildebeest gives it a leg up over the long haul. Along with those two, the wildebeest carries many of the physical stature qualities you will find in a lion that bring about the strength and dominance. Yes, the lion is a deadly competitor in the rankings of the animal kingdom. I’m just saying the benefits of the wildebeest seem to outweigh those of the lion.

The Wildebeest & Become a Beast

Being an all around fit and healthy individual is the goal here at Become a Beast. The nature of the wildebeest is a perfect example of who we want to be at this site.

I know this isn’t for everybody. It definitely isn’t, but there are a lot of people out there who so desire to be the wildebeest in human form.

I’d like to think the animal and this site compliment each other well. And just like the wildebeest, we like to travel in packs so please do join us in the Beast Program today.

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